About Me
Race: | Amaurotine |
Gender: | Female |
Sexuality: | Pansexual |
Age: | ∞ |
Height: | 6'1" (185cm) |
Physique: | Svelte |
Birthplace: | Amaurot |
Occupation: | The Fourteenth Seat |
Alignment: | Chaotic Good |

Azem is the seat of the counselor to the people.
Close companion to Elidibus, Emet-Selch and Hythlodaeus.
The duty of Azem's seat was less in overseeing Amaurot, instead being more involved in the daily life of the star's citizenry.
Azem worked, as did all the convocation, for the health and safety of the star. Sometimes independently and with questionable methods, resulting in her censure.In ancient times, Amalthea was impulsive, compassionate, and brazen. Described by those close to her as 'incorrigible' she carried this legacy of questionable decision making into her tenure as Azem. Before long becoming the most infamous member of the Convocation.She was censured multiple times for a multitude of different reasons.On one such occasion, she dove head first into a volcano, utilizing a restricted concept from the bureau of the architect obtained via questionable at best means, to channel forth all the volatile fire aspected aether of the volcano into the concept of Ifritia. Luring the monster away to dispatch it far out of harms way, thereby safely dispersing the dangerous buildup of aether and saving the village that was the home of some particularly delicious grapes. All of this done without permission or even consultation of the other convocation members of course. Save for the one who could have granted her access to the restricted archives in the depths of the Bureau to obtain the Ifrita concept in the first place...Amalthea, or Azem, by her title, is outgoing and playful. Described in modern times by some mortals as 'unhinged' and 'eccentric' by others.Though she reluctantly operates with intention to bring about the Rejoining, her actions often seem unpredictable and sometimes rash. Earning her the scolding of Elidibus on more than one occasion. While she does work for the ardor, she is often working on her own schemes that usually center around young would-be heroes and champions of Hydaelyn. Seemingly testing their mettle for purposes unknown to all but her...Beneath her eccentricity and cheerfulness, She bears the burden of millennia of sorrow over everything that has happened to her people. She sometimes paradoxically works directly against her fellow ascians. Coming to blows with Lahabrea on more than one occasion. Elidibus constantly scolds and tries to manage her, though none can match her martial prowess. As a result, none of the other unsundered can ever truly force her to do something she does not want to do. An unfortunate fact that irritates Elidibus to no end.Azem is one of the only members of the unsundered who seem to have retained their sense of self over the ages. She hides her pain and heartbreak behind a mask of cheery playfulness. She always chooses to simply run or distract herself with more work, rather than confront any of her true feelings. Lest the millennia of sorrow ever catch up with her.
Physical Description
She has purple eyes. Glowing bright with the near bottomless reserves of aether she commands.She has shoulder-length crimson hair, usually styled, although not always. She routinely uses aether to "cheat" and keep her hair in a mostly manageable state. Though she does enjoy the ritual of physically brushing her hair sometimes.In modern times, she along with the other unsundered have adopted heights similar to the sundered, standing at 6'1" (185cm). However, owing to the ancient Amaurotine's large height compared to the other races, she is 18'2" (555cm) as an Ancient.
Her transformation, what some ancients referred to as their 'true form' is befitting the symbol of her seat as the sun. She maintains a humanoid appearance, though with the addition of two pairs of flaming wing like appendages on her back. The radiance of her soul brought forth for all to see in her transformation. Though the radiant heat coming from her in this state is not as immediately lethal as it otherwise should be, she doesn't seem to be able to control all of it. As the ambient temperature will rise above what most beings would consider comfortable within minutes.She is as brilliant as she is dangerous in this form. A being made of plasma and fire, using her magical knowledge and might to lay low any would be hero that has gotten too powerful for her to dispatch via any other means. The spikes on her mask elongating out like rays of the sun as part of her transformation. Showing just how deep her connection to her seat truly is.
Before The Sundering
In the time before history, the star was whole. Men knew peace and prosperity, and with their adamant souls, they could live for an age.Growing up as the third member of a rather rambunctious trio of Amaurotines, Amalthea would eventually go on to study for centuries under the then current Azem, Venat. Becoming her handpicked successor, as she took up the mantle of the fourteenth and pushed the role into new heights of achievement and controversy both.She had a fondness for teleportation magicks, and before long, she became Amaurot's foremost expert on the field of translocation. She and her staff helped develop the aetheryte crystals that were seeded in places she visited during her duties to bring fast, easy, and safe teleportation for even those who were less adept at manipulating aether.
First Era
The strangely quiet "Age of Man" that followed the Sundering was the fire that helped forge the surviving unsundered's wills.She tried to help the new creatures born of the sundering. Under her tutelage, they learned to create. Not with magicks, but with their hands. They built cities, temples, some even worshiped her. But their aether was so thin... and this new mankind was so full of malice. They learned how to make weapons killing each other over the most petty things.She eventually washed her hands of the whole goddess bit. Preferring to explore the newly reshaped world. Until the first astral era came to a cataclysmic end. The prayers of her devout followers going unanswered.
Potential RP Hooks
I'm open to just about any ideas. If you like an idea in this list, or have one of your own. Please feel free to reach out and let me know so we can discuss things! :D
Time Travel Shenanigans
Perhaps there was a strange divergence that resulted in the wrong ancient becoming the Warrior of Light. Leaving Azem to fill in the shoes of Emet-Selch, Elidibus, Lahabrea, or perhaps another?
An Additional Unsundered
If Set in modern Era: An unsundered Azem. Leaving her working with or against the other unsundered. Leaving the mantle of Warrior of Light for someone else to claim. Perhaps with some convincing, the ancient adventurer could be brought back around to the side of the light?
And they call themselves "hero"?
A young up and coming warrior of light waltzing around calling themselves Hydaelyn's champion? Well this should be interesting. Mayhap it's time to pay them a visit...
A Dark Secret
Nobody knew how the Warrior of Light was so strong and powerful. Of course, the truth is in her nature. An ascian helping to fight the other ascians. But will the scions see the difference?
Living long enough to become the villain
After saving the world, the warrior of light suddenly found herself with nothing but time on her hands, and started looking into her heritage. Would the scions approve of their friend slowly digging up the buried secrets of the ascians?
Etheirys Unsundered
A story or scene set in the world before the sundering. During the time of the ancients and their creations.
Alternate Universes/Crossovers
Imagine a sort of Nexus rift that allows for travel to any time or place one can imagine. A universe where frogs became the Scions? Surely it must exist somewhere?Surely multiple Azem's in one room would do nothing but benefit the world. As long as you don't ask Emet-Selch, right?




There are several different versions of Azem I can play. Some of them will be listed below, and more will be added in time. But if you have a particular idea in mind, feel free to reach out about it! I don't bite. Unless asked nicely. :)
The Unsundered Ascian
The unsundered Azem herself. Eventually being persuaded to join the other unsundered in their seemingly endless pursuit of death and destruction. All in service to their dark god. See history section for more details.
The Unsundered Ancient
Similar to above, she survived the sundering, but instead of joining the ascians and their pursuit of the ardor, she fought against it with every fiber of her being. She never gave up hope, despite the overwhelming odds against her. She is but one woman against the entire convocation. If they can even still be called the convocation after what they've become.
Before the Sundering
Azem as she was before the sundering. Not plagued by twelve thousand years of suffering and loss. The Amaurotine who wanted to see the world, and meet everyone in it. A tall order, but she had all the time in the world to do so.